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发布时间:2023-12-25 06:59:27 所属栏目:Asp教程 来源:DaWei
导读: 将生成静态文件时的文件名用文章标题的拼音,这就涉及到如何将文字转成拼音了,在网上大概的看了看,千篇一律的那个函数,应该只可以在GB2312下正常,也没有做太多考虑,这就拿出了曾在无忧


Function getEnglish(ByVal Str)
getEnglish = Str
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "中国", " china ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "策划", " plan ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "免费", " free ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "介绍", " intro ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "技巧", " skill ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "生活", " life ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "活动", " activity ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "工具", " tool ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "联盟", " union ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "注册", " register ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "经验", " experience ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "翻译", " translate ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "项目", " item ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "网站", " web-site ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "英语", " english ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "英文", " english ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "爱情", " love ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "朋友", " friend ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "页面", " page ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "模板", " template ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "游戏", " game ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "论坛", " forum ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "新闻", " news ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "音乐", " music ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "帮助", " help ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "优化", " optimize ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "软件", " soft ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "教程", " tech ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "百度", " baidu ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "谷歌", " google ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "邮箱", " mailbox ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "邮件", " mail ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "域名", " domain ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "测试", " test")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "演示", " demo ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "音乐", " music ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "电脑", " computer ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "系统", " system ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "学校", " school ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "无忧", " 5u ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "工作", " job ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "信息", " info ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "娱乐", " ent ")
getEnglish = Replace(getEnglish, "汽车", " car ")
End Function

然后就是最关键的函数pinyin(byval chinese) 他将中文转换到拼音
function pinyin(byval chinese)
chinese = replace(chinese, "/", ""): chinese = replace(chinese, "/", "")
chinese = replace(chinese, "*", ""): chinese = replace(chinese, "]", "")
chinese = replace(chinese, "[", ""): chinese = replace(chinese, "}", "")
chinese = replace(chinese, "{", ""): chinese = replace(chinese, "'", "")
chinese = getEnglish(chinese) '在这里使用getEnglish先将特殊词语转换
dim pinyinstr, istr, iIsCn, IsCn
dim pinyinconn, rs, i, x
on error resume next
set pinyinconn = server.createobject("Adodb.connection")
pinyinconn.open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEdb.4.0;Data Source=" & server.mappath("pinyin.Asp")
if err then pinyin = "": set pinyinconn = nothing: exit function
IsCn = true
for i = 1 to len(chinese)
iIsCn = IsCn ' 获取上次是不是中文的值
istr = Mid(chinese, i, 1)
x = Asc(istr)
if (x >= 65 and x <= 90) or (x >= 97 and x <= 122) or (x >= 48 and x <= 57) or istr = " " then
IsCn = false ' 这些是英文,数字(保留字符),不改动
if istr = " " then istr = "-"
set rs = pinyinconn.execute("select Top 1 [pinyin] From [pinyin] Where [content] like '%" & istr & "%';")
if not rs.eof then
istr = lcase(rs(0)): IsCn = true ' 中文
IsCn = false
if istr = " " then istr = "-" else istr = "" ' 将空格转换成-,如果是其他字符则清除
end if
rs.close: set rs = nothing
end if
if iIsCn = IsCn then pinyinstr = pinyinstr & istr else pinyinstr = pinyinstr & "-" & istr
pinyinstr = replace(pinyinstr, "--", "-")
pinyinstr = replace(pinyinstr, "__", "_")
if right(pinyinstr, 1) = "-" then pinyinstr = left(pinyinstr, len(pinyinstr) - 1)
if right(pinyinstr, 1) = "_" then pinyinstr = left(pinyinstr, len(pinyinstr) - 1)
if left(pinyinstr, 1) = "-" then pinyinstr = right(pinyinstr, len(pinyinstr) - 1)
if left(pinyinstr, 1) = "_" then pinyinstr = right(pinyinstr, len(pinyinstr) - 1)
set pinyinconn = nothing
pinyin = trim(pinyinstr)
end Function

response.write pinyin("中国你好,欢迎来到中国!")



